Barcamp and future labs

We are always thrilled when we are allowed to deviate from classic event formats and be part of a project team that sometimes takes a more playful approach to scientific topics.

For the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, we are organized a barcamp on the topic of mobility in the spring of 2019. Discussing with like-minded people, exchanging ideas, and developing ideas – these are things that work great in a barcamp. Barcamps (sometimes also called “Open Spaces”) are highly participatory formats: A moderator merely explains the process and topic and provides the right “spirit”; everything else comes from the participants themselves. In parallel sessions, the ideas and topics brought along are discussed and worked on together.

The Wisskomm Lab initiated by con gressa is a mixture of barcamp, idea lab and hackathon. Scientists, communicators and interested citizens come together to work out novel and concretely realizable project ideas in science communication: Short impulses introduce a topic and after an idea pitch, teams continue to work on selected project ideas. In between, there is a moderated exchange between the teams – for collegial consultation and critique. The events conclude with project presentations in the plenary session.

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