Rarely do scientists who grew up in the countryside or small towns return to live in their hometowns. Instead, they mostly work and live in university cities or science centers. When they visit “home”, they have rather few and casual interactions with most of their compatriots. This no longer has to be so!
Our idea was this: Scientists hold a talk in their communities of origin about their expertise, their successes and failures in their research lives and perhaps most importantly, answer questions. Our series of events “And what do you do?” (Und was machst Du so?) provided an opportunity to do just that. Here, people who work in science invite you to talk about what and why they do research and what it has to do with all of our lives. The event is deliberately not held in a lecture hall or laboratory, but rather in the pub around the corner, in the community center, at the sports club or somewhere else. For now however, it has all been online and will remain so until pandemic risks lessen!